"I was a mess. I suffered from infantile paralysis, and women would look at me only long enough to laugh. However, after a course of Mrs. Frucht's Tonic, I can dance like a champion." Josh Rasmussen, South Boston, MA |
"I was a junkie and my career was on the rocks. I started shooting up with Mrs. Frucht's Tonic, and suddenly 'chasing the dragon' seemed like a lot less fun than collecting Hummels." Lou Reed, New York, NY |
"Mrs. Francis Frucht's Tonic kept me in the NBA until I was 43 years old. Tonic, and lots of dope." Robert Parish, Shreveport, LA |
"I had an I.Q. of 46 and my daily project was not to mess myself. Mom started me on a Frucht's Tonic regimen, and now I'm bright enough to be a marina janitor." Lisa Mellon, San Francisco, CA |